These are hello world shellcodes that lay some foundation for building upon. They navigate the TEB and PEB in order to get kernel32.dll, find two functions (GetStdHandle, WriteFile) using a weak hash of their name, then call those functions to print a message. There are some techniques used to keep them null free.
Shellcode is often passed through string processing functions, so having nulls in the assembled code will result in having only part of your code copied in. Similarly, it is running at some arbitrary address in memory, so it cannot reference things relative to where it is. So it must also be position independent.
To get rid of nulls we use some common tricks that make our assembly a little less natural. To move a low value into a register, we don't want to move 0x41 into a 64-bit register because the instruction will encode the number as 0x0000000000000041. Instead, we xor the register with itself to zero out the high bits, then use a smaller addressable piece of the register to move the value in, for example, mov al, 041h
To be position independent, we want to grab the instruction pointer at a known location in our code and find things relative to that. To get EIP (32-bit) or RIP (64-bit), we will do a call then pop the address of the next instruction (the return address) off the stack. One issue is that calls to nearby instructions that are going forward in the code will have zeros in the opcodes since they are relative. We can, however, jmp then call backward to avoid nulls.
The one other trick we see is with mov eax, 41414141h + offset get_message_ret - offset msglen followed by sub eax, 41414141h. Offset is like an assembler macro that will calculate the offsets of labels. So that is getting the relative distance between the return address we get off the stack and the declared message length.
Since this value is fairly small but the offsets are treated as 32-bit values, we add a an arbitrary constant (0x41414141) then subtract that constant to avoid nulls in the instruction.
Syscall numbers on Windows are not a stable ABI. For this reason, we are going to walk the loaded modules, then walk those modules' functions to find what we need. The thread environment block (TEB) has some thread-relevant information and is stored in the fs segment register on 32-bit and in gs on 64-bit. The TEB has a pointer to the process environment block (PEB) which is what we are really after.
Once we have ol' PEB, we need to get the ldr member, which is a linked list of loaded modules (DLLs). You can see the linked list structure as well as the data struct here.
You could do a similar hashy thing as we do in the next section to find the module you need based on the name, but the first three are always going to be the main program, ntdll, then kernel32, so we just do three dereferences. Then we grab the offset in the kernel32 struct that gives us the loaded module's base address.
xor eax, eax
mov eax, fs:[eax+30h] ; PEB
mov eax, [eax+0Ch] ; LDR
mov ecx, [eax+14h] ; program
mov eax, [ecx] ; ntdll
mov ecx, [eax] ; kernel32
mov eax, [ecx+10h] ; base address
mov [ebp-04h], eax ; [ebp-04h]
xor ecx, ecx
mov ecx, [eax+3Ch] ; ntheader offset
lea ecx, [eax+ecx] ; ntheader
xor edi, edi
mov di, 04179h
sub di, 04101h
xor edx, edx
mov edx, [ecx+edi] ; export directory offset
lea edi, [eax+edx] ; export directory
With kernel32's base address, our next step will be to traverse its export table to find the functions we want.
So let's pretend we were cool malware and we didn't want to have the strings of the functions we are importing in memory for the loser anti-virus programs to alert on. In this case we would create some weak hash of the function name, then loop over the module's export table, hash each name and compare it to our target hashes.
For this hash we can just do a little bit-wise xor'ing and rotation. It would be smart to make sure there are no collisions but it works when we run it so we're probably good. We prototype the hash algorithm in Python to make it easy to hash function names.
def rol32(x, n):
return ((x << n) & 0xFFFFFFFF) | (x >> (32 - n))
def hash(bs):
edx = 0
for ea in bs:
edx = rol32(edx, 5)
edx ^= ea
return edx
After that, we just drop our target hashes in the program and hope we implemented the same algorithm in ASM!
; hash
rol edx, 5
xor dl, [esi] ; chr
inc esi ; next chr
cmp al, [esi] ; cmp null
jne loop_chars ; keep hashing
mov edi, [ebp-18h]
cmp edx, edi ; cmp GetStdHandle hash
je found_stdout
mov edi, [ebp-14h]
cmp edx, edi ; cmp WriteFile hash
je found_writef
jmp check_name ; next function
Unfortunately, assemblers aren't set up to just spit out shellcode. We will assemble our code, then extract it from the COFF object that gets created.
For this, we open up the appropriate Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt. Use the normal one for 64-bit and the x86 one for 32-bit. Our assembler is called ml.exe and should be on the PATH in this command prompt.
That outputs a COFF object file, so we will use dumpbin /disasm to get the disassembly (and hex opcodes), ripgrep (rg) to grab the hex opcodes, then a Python snippet to write those to a file. This is probably not a very complex format and we should just write a proper parser, but this works for now.
@echo off
set PYSCRIPT=import sys; import pathlib; ^
ml /c hello.asm
dumpbin /DISASM:wide hello.obj ^
| rg -o -P -e "(?<=[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}: )([0-9A-Fa-f]{2} ?)+" ^
| python -c "%PYSCRIPT%"
Note: For 64-bit you will have to change the regex to have a 16 instead of an 8 for the address lookbehind. Also change the file name to match whatever your file is called.
The 64-bit version was the first iteration and it, for the most part, keeps everything in registers. The 32-bit version (this one), due to a more limited register selection, was forced to put more stuff on the stack and feels a bit cleaner.
prologue MACRO
push ebp
push ebx
push edi
push esi
mov ebp, esp
epilogue MACRO
mov esp, ebp
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
pop ebp
.MODEL flat, stdcall
sub esp, 20h
; [ebp-04h] module_base
; [ebp-08h] function_addresses
; [ebp-0Ch] ordinals
; [ebp-10h] name_rvas
; [ebp-14h] hash_write_file
; [ebp-18h] hash_get_std_handle
; [ebp-1Ch] idx_write_file
; [ebp-20h] idx_get_std_handle
jmp get_exports
message db 'Shello World! (x86)', 0Ah, 0Ah
msglen db $-message
author db 'TACIXAT'
xor eax, eax
mov eax, fs:[eax+30h] ; PEB
mov eax, [eax+0Ch] ; LDR
mov ecx, [eax+14h] ; program
mov eax, [ecx] ; ntdll
mov ecx, [eax] ; kernel32
mov eax, [ecx+10h] ; base address
mov [ebp-04h], eax ; [ebp-04h]
xor ecx, ecx
mov ecx, [eax+3Ch] ; ntheader offset
lea ecx, [eax+ecx] ; ntheader
xor edi, edi
mov di, 04179h
sub di, 04101h
xor edx, edx
mov edx, [ecx+edi] ; export directory offset
lea edi, [eax+edx] ; export directory
xor edx, edx
; these offsets are wrong
mov edx, [edi+1Ch] ; function addresses offset
lea edx, [eax+edx] ; pointer to function addresses
mov [ebp-08h], edx ; [ebp-08h]
xor edx, edx
mov edx, [edi+24h] ; ordinals offset
lea edx, [eax+edx] ; pointer to ordinals
mov [ebp-0Ch], edx ; [ebp-0Ch]
xor edx, edx
mov edx, [edi+20h] ; name rvas offset
lea ecx, [eax+edx] ; pointer to name RVAs
mov [ebp-10h], ecx ; [ebp-10h]
mov eax, 0AE72FD6Fh
mov [ebp-14h], eax ; hash WriteFile
mov eax, 0B43C4D5Ch
mov [ebp-18h], eax ; hash GetStdHandle
xor eax, eax ; scratch
xor esi, esi ; name pointer
xor ecx, ecx ; counter
dec ecx
inc ecx
xor edx, edx ; hash
mov eax, [ebp-04h]
mov esi, eax ; module base
mov edi, [ebp-10h]
mov eax, [edi+ecx*4] ; rva
add esi, eax ; name
xor eax, eax
; hash
rol edx, 5
xor dl, [esi] ; chr
inc esi ; next chr
cmp al, [esi] ; cmp null
jne loop_chars ; keep hashing
mov edi, [ebp-18h]
cmp edx, edi ; cmp GetStdHandle hash
je found_stdout
mov edi, [ebp-14h]
cmp edx, edi ; cmp WriteFile hash
je found_writef
jmp check_name ; next function
mov [ebp-20h], ecx ; save GetStdHandle idx
jmp check_name ; next function
; WriteFile index in ecx
mov [ebp-1Ch], ecx ; store WriteFile index
mov ecx, [ebp-0Ch] ; pointer to ords
mov esi, [ebp-20h] ; GetStdHandle index
mov si, [ecx+esi*2] ; GetStdHandle ord
mov ecx, [ebp-08h] ; pointer to RVAs
mov esi, [ecx+esi*4] ; GetStdHandle RVA
mov eax, [ebp-04h] ; base address
add esi, eax ; GetStdHandle pointer
xor ecx, ecx
xor eax, eax
mov al, 0Bh
sub ecx, eax ; stdout is -11
push ecx ; GetStdHandle arg0
call esi ; call GetStdHandle
; stdout in eax
push eax ; arg0 WriteFile
jmp j_get_message
; get_rip addr on stack
pop esi
xor eax, eax
mov eax, 41414141h + offset get_message_ret - offset msglen
sub eax, 41414141h
sub esi, eax ; pointer to msglen
xor ecx, ecx
mov cl, [esi] ; ecx holds msglen
sub esi, ecx ; esi holds pointer to message
pop eax ; arg0 WriteFile
xor edx, edx
push edx ; arg4 WriteFile
push edx ; arg3 WriteFile
push ecx ; arg2 WriteFile
push esi ; arg1 WriteFile
push eax ; arg0 WriteFile
jmp get_message_ret
call get_message
mov ecx, [ebp-0Ch] ; pointer to ords
mov esi, [ebp-1Ch] ; WriteFile index
xor edi, edi
mov di, [ecx+esi*2] ; WriteFile ord
mov ecx, [ebp-08h] ; pointer to RVAs
mov esi, [ecx+edi*4] ; WriteFile RVA
mov eax, [ebp-04h] ; base address
add esi, eax ; WriteFile pointer
call esi
db 0DEh, 0ADh, 0BEh, 0EFh
The macros in here are because the 64-bit calling convention is wild. The first 4 arguments go in registers, anything more goes on the stack. You need to preserve any volatile registers you want to save, handle stack alignment, and then slap on 32 bytes of shadow space before making the call. After the call you have to undo all that.
For the alignment part, the stack needs to be aligned to 16 bytes after any arguments are pushed onto the stack. So an even number of arguments (or fewer than 4) will mean you align the stack before setting up args, an odd number (greater than 4) will mean you unalign it so it is aligned once the arguments are pushed. Rather than tracking how many pushes and pops we have done in our shellcode up to that point, we just have some macros to align or unalign the stack.
; align to 16 bytes
stack_align MACRO
mov rbx, rsp
and rbx, 0Fh
sub rsp, rbx
; unalign from 16 bytes
; used for calls with odd
; number of arguments gt 4
stack_unalign MACRO
mov rbx, rsp
add bl, 8
and rbx, 0Fh
sub rsp, rbx
; undo whatever align/ unalign
reset_align MACRO
add rsp, rbx
; create shadow space
sub_shadow MACRO
sub rsp, 20h
; clear shadow space
add_shadow MACRO
add rsp, 20h
scall MACRO fn
call fn
prologue MACRO
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push rbx
push rdi
push rsi
epilogue MACRO
pop rsi
pop rdi
pop rbx
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
; preserve
; RBX, RBP, RDI, RSI, RSP, R12, R13, R14, R15
; args in RCX, RDX, R8, R9
; un/align
; stack args
; shadow
; call
; unshadow
; un args
; reset align
jmp get_exports
message db 'Shello World!', 0Ah, 0Ah
msglen db $-message
author db 'TACIXAT'
xor rax, rax
mov rax, gs:[rax+60h] ; PEB
mov rax, [rax+18h] ; LDR
mov rcx, [rax+20h] ; program
mov rax, [rcx] ; ntdll
mov rcx, [rax] ; kernel32
mov rax, [rcx+20h] ; base address
xor rcx, rcx
mov ecx, [rax+3Ch] ; ntheader offset
lea rcx, [rax+rcx] ; ntheader
xor r8, r8
mov r8b, 088h
xor rdx, rdx
mov edx, [rcx+r8] ; export directory offset
lea rdi, [rax+rdx] ; export directory
xor rdx, rdx
mov edx, [rdi+1Ch] ; function addresses offset
lea rdx, [rax+rdx] ; pointer to function addresses
push rdx
xor rdx, rdx
mov edx, [rdi+24h] ; ordinals offset
lea rdx, [rax+rdx] ; pointer to ordinals
push rdx
xor rdx, rdx
mov edx, [rdi+20h] ; name rvas offset
lea rcx, [rax+rdx] ; pointer to name RVAs
xor r9, r9 ; scratch
xor r10, r10 ; name pointer
xor r8, r8 ; counter
dec r8
xor rdi, rdi ; target
mov edi, 0AE72FD6Fh ; WriteFile
xor rsi, rsi
mov esi, 0B43C4D5Ch ; GetStdHandle
inc r8
xor rdx, rdx ; hash
mov r10, rax ; module base
mov r9d, [rcx+r8*4] ; rva
add r10, r9 ; name
xor r9, r9 ; zero
; hash
rol edx, 5
xor dl, [r10] ; chr
inc r10 ; next chr
cmp r9b, [r10] ; cmp null
jne loop_chars ; keep hashing
cmp edx, esi ; cmp getstdhandle hash
je found_stdout
cmp edx, edi ; cmp write file hash
je found_writef
jmp check_name ; next function
push r8 ; save getstdhandle idx
jmp check_name ; next function
; writefile index in r8
pop r9 ; getstdhandle in r9
pop rcx ; pointer to ordinals
mov r8w, [rcx+r8*2] ; writefile ord
mov r9w, [rcx+r9*2] ; getstdhandle ord
pop rcx ; pointer to RVAs
mov r8d, [rcx+r8*4] ; writefile rva
mov r9d, [rcx+r9*4] ; getstdhandle rva
add r8, rax ; writefile pointer
push r8 ; save writefile
add r9, rax ; getstdhandle pointer
xor rcx, rcx
xor r11, r11
mov r11b, 0Bh
sub ecx, r11d ; stdout is -11 as a UINT32
scall r9 ; call getstdhandle
push rax ; save stdhandle
jmp j_get_message
; get_rip addr on stack
pop r8
xor rax, rax
mov eax, 41414141h + offset get_message_ret - offset msglen
sub eax, 41414141h
sub r8, rax ; pointer to msglen
mov rdx, r8
xor r8, r8
mov r8b, [rdx] ; msglen
sub rdx, r8 ; pointer to message
jmp get_message_ret
call get_message
pop rcx ; stdhandle
pop rsi ; writefile pointer
xor r9, r9 ; out NULL
push r9 ; reserved NULL
scall rsi
pop r9
db 0DEh, 0ADh, 0BEh, 0EFh